



capotas de toldos gómez
capotas de toldos gómez
capotas para escaparate recogidas
toldo capota recogible manual en arzua


Whatever your needs, our aluminium structures, upholstered in plastic tarpaulins or acrylics provide the solution to cover a window, a hotel or restaurant entrance or a large awning for a bar or terrace. It is a decorative canopy with an aluminium frame that is custom made and designed to your taste.

TGM procures the best components to achieve excellent end results. From the best aluminium profiles; PVC coated tarpaulins made exclusively by TGM, (their elasticity making them perfect for canopies) using Suntis, sun protecting textile fabrics, designed to fit rounded shapes, curves and light structures and lusty also acrylic tarpaulins.

By acquiring a hoood or canopy for your business or dwelling you get numerous advantages, as it is:
_ A decorative facade feature par-excellence, customising your exterior thanks to the variety of models, fabrics and colours we offer.
_ An advertising calling card at the entrance to your premises.
_ A flexible option whatever the space.
_ Protection from heat and solar radiation
_ An affordable energy saving option helping to reduce excessive HVAC use.
_ A solution reducing the solar radiation which reaches you home or premises interior helping to avoid fading and ageing of fabrics, furniture and wooden flooring.
_ An easy fit option.
_ fAn esasy to wash and maintain solution.


Optional extras:

  • Signange or digital printing on the fabric.

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Solo para Galicia. Sin coste ni compromiso. Si selecciona esta opción, nos pondremos en contacto con usted y concertaremos un día para visitar el lugar de la instalación, tomar las medidas necesarias para darle presupuesto y aconsejarle sobre cual es el producto que mejor se ajusta a sus necesidades.
  • Lg. Raído/Burres, s/n
    15819 Arzúa (A Coruña)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • 981 50 02 02
  • 981500202
  • CANAL ETICO: Comunicar incidencia aquí

Una manera de hacer Europa TGM en el marco del Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX Next, ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y cofinanciación del fondo europeo FEDER. La finalidad del apoyo es contribuir al desarrollointernacional de la empresa y de su entorno

Convocatoria de axudas destinas á obtención da Certificación ISO 45001:2018. Operaciónn financiada pola Xunta de Galicia

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